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Constructivist grounded theory dissertation

Constructivist grounded theory dissertation

constructivist grounded theory dissertation

Jan 23,  · Abstract. Using Constructivist Grounded Theory Methodology, this study explores the perceptions of learning of eight career changing trainee teachers enrolled on four one-year primary or secondary postgraduate Initial Teacher Education programmes in England constructivist grounded theory dissertation Immanuel Kant (–) is the central figure in modern philosophy. He synthesized early modern rationalism and empiricism, set the terms for much of nineteenth and twentieth century philosophy, and continues to exercise a significant influence today in metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, political Temporizing Uncertainty: A Constructivist Grounded Theory of Advanced Practice Palliative Care Nurses' Prognostication in Non-Malignant Illnesses (Unpublished doctoral thesis). University of

Constructivist Grounded Theory Dissertation

Show simple item record. View Item PRISM Home Graduate Studies The Vault: Electronic Theses and Dissertations View Item. Toggle navigation Menu. JavaScript is disabled for your browser. Some features of this site may not work without it, constructivist grounded theory dissertation. Show simple item record Temporizing Uncertainty: A Constructivist Grounded Theory of Advanced Practice Palliative Care Nurses' Prognostication in Non-Malignant Illnesses dc.

advisor Raffin Bouchal, D. Shelley dc, constructivist grounded theory dissertation. author Ferguson, Angela L. date dc. accessioned TZ dc, constructivist grounded theory dissertation.

available TZ dc. issued dc. citation Ferguson, A. Temporizing Uncertainty: A Constructivist Grounded Theory of Advanced Practice Palliative Care Nurses' Prognostication in Non-Malignant Illnesses Unpublished doctoral thesis, constructivist grounded theory dissertation. University of Calgary, Calgary, AB. abstract Palliative care nursing practices combine the science and art of nursing in unique ways. Prognostication is a valued core constructivist grounded theory dissertation that requires knowledge, intuition, curiosity, conceptualization, and decision-making.

The praxis of prognostication is complicated and foundational to the culture and work of advanced practice PCN. This researcher, a member of the group of study provides a unique glimpse into this culture of PCN. The study sought to understand and discover a theory about the experiences of prognostication of individuals with non-malignant illnesses by eleven PCN in a palliative care program, across care sectors. Ten of the eleven nurses were advanced practice nurses in consultant roles and one in a front-line home care position.

All eleven nurses held positions that included the regular work of prognostication in fulfillment of their nurse-patient role, especially related to care transitioning.

The experiences of these nurses were captured through observation of a nurse-patient prognostic consult followed by participant interviews. The data consisted of one-to-one interviews with each PCN which were then transcribed verbatim.

Data analysis began following transcription with line-by-line coding. Analysis was strengthened by the constant comparison method and use of field notes and memoing. The analysis sought descriptions, patterns and relationships from the PCN for shared meaning around prognostication in non-malignant illnesses. There were three main categories that were identified which formulated the theoretical model of the factors and process of prognostication by advanced practice PCN.

These findings offer insight into PCN practices and carry implications for education and future research in palliative care. The future aim is to enhance advocacy for end-of-life transitions for patients and their families faced with chronic illnesses and in supporting clinical decision-making.

rights University of Calgary graduate students retain copyright ownership and moral rights for their thesis. You constructivist grounded theory dissertation use this material in any way that is permitted by the Copyright Constructivist grounded theory dissertation or through licensing that has been assigned to the document. For uses that are not allowable under copyright legislation or licensing, you are required to seek permission.

institution University of Calgary en dc. committeemember Simon, Jessica dc. committeemember Sinclair, Shane dc. committeemember Venturato, Lorraine dc. committeemember Duggleby, Wendy ucalgary.

pdf Size: 1. University of Calgary graduate students retain copyright ownership and moral rights for their thesis. Search PRISM. This Collection. Login Register. Most Popular Items Statistics by Country Most Popular Authors. Ferguson, A. Palliative care nursing practices combine the science and art of nursing in unique ways. Temporizing Uncertainty: A Constructivist grounded theory dissertation Grounded Theory of Advanced Practice Palliative Care Nurses' Prognostication in Non-Malignant Illnesses.

What is constructivism? (Definitions, examples, ontology and epistemology of constructivism)

, time: 19:50

constructivist grounded theory dissertation

A CONSTRUCTIVIST GROUNDED THEORY STUDY OF REFUGEE PARENT EXPERIENCES WITH EDUCATION AND THE INFLUENCE ON THEIR YOUNG CHILDREN’S EDUCATION by Trina Campbell A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of George Mason University in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Education Committee A Constructivist Grounded Theory Study: Employers perspective of the factors that contribute towards a decision to refer an early career nurse to the Nursing Midwifery Council’s Fitness to Practise Committee. Abbie Fordham Barnes A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of Birmingham City University for the Ph.D study to navigate the complex world of grounded theory. I could not have imagined having better advisors as, without their support, it would not have been possible to produce this research. Last but not least, I would like to thank my family for their support throughout this thesis

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