The Great Gatsby – The American Dream. The Great Gatsby, a novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is about the American Dream, and the downfall of those who attempt to capture its illusionary goals. This is a common them central to many novels. This dream has varying significances for different people but in The Great Gatsby, for Jay, the dream is that through wealth and power, one can acquire blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins The Great Gatsby In the ’s, the American Dream was something that was desired by everyone, but in most cases everyone’s “dream” was different from one another. How I see the American Dream, is the perfect life you want. It’s the life that you see that is sometimes hard, or impossible to achieve May 02, · Great Gatsby American Dream Essay. Topics: F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby Pages: 3 ( words) Published: May 2, The novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is about the struggle of achieving the American dream, and how much a person is willing to do to reach it. The book’s focus is on the obsession of Gatsby, the protagonist, and his feelings for
American dream the Great Gatsby Essay - conclusion American Dream Project
A major theme in The Great Gatsby is the pursuit of what can be termed the American gatsby american dream essay. Do you agree? This represents the idea of the American Dream, where qualities of gatsby american dream essay work and ambition are shown. The novel The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald embodies many themes; however, the most significant one relates to the corruption of the American dream.
The American Dream is defined as someone starting low on the economic or social level, and working hard towards prosperity and or wealth and fame. By having money, a car, a big house, nice clothes, and a happy family symbolizes the American dream. This dream also represents that people, no matter who he or she is, can become successful in life by his or her own work.
The desire to strive for what one wants can be accomplished if they work hard enough. The dream is represented by the idea of a self-sufficient man or woman, who works hard to achieve a goal to become successful.
The American dream not only causes corruption but has caused destruction. Myrtle, Gatsby and Daisy have all been corrupted and destroyed by the dream. The desire for a luxurious life is what lures Myrtle into having an affair with Tom. This decision harms her marriage with George, which leads to her death and loss of true happiness.
Myrtle has the hope and desire for a perfect, wealthy and famous type of life. When Myrtle first got married to George Wilson, gatsby american dream essay, she thought that she was crazy about him and thought that they were happy being together.
I knew right away I made a mistake. She looks at Tom gatsby american dream essay a different way. She looks at him as someone who can afford to buy their own suit for their own wedding. She believes that Tom is the ideal picture-perfect man that represents the advertisement of the American Dream.
Myrtle sleeps with Tom to inch her way to an upper-class status. People who are upper class are the ones that have money, drive fancy cars, and have nice big houses. This, later on, causes destruction and destroys Myrtle. It was later found that Daisy was the one that hit Myrtle with her car which resulted in the death of Myrtle.
It is ironic that Daisy was the one that killed her, since Myrtle was having an affair with her husband, Tom, gatsby american dream essay. The hope for happiness is something that Daisy hoped to have, but finding out she married the wrong man changed who she is and her outlook on life. Early on in the novel, Daisy finds out a secret that Tom is hiding from her. Tom seems to be abusive towards her and rather does not seem to care much about her.
Daisy thinks she has everything, wealth, love, and happiness which all tie into the American dream, but then she discovers that she has nothing and that she has been corrupted by this specific dream. She thought she has all she desired but truly realized she had nothing, gatsby american dream essay. She has a child, who does not seem important to her at all.
The child is never around, which shows a lot about Daisy. Daisy basically explained that there are limited possibilities for women, and she would have rather had a boy. The baby has to be a beautiful fool in order to be happy and successful. Daisy thought she had loved when she married Tom, but truly in the long run, only came out with money, gatsby american dream essay. With Gatsby, Daisy realized something that broke her heart. When reunited with Gatsby, who she has not seen in about five years Daisy breaks down and starts to cry.
She figures out that she could have married for money with Gatsby but would have had love too. The ambition for something has thrown Gatsby over the edge.
His love and chase for Daisy have taken over his whole life. He feels that he has to live up to the American dream to accomplish what he truly dreams for, which is Daisy. While Gatsby was away fighting in the war, Daisy met Tom and married him. Daisy had always been rich and Gatsby thought that in order to get Daisy back, he needs to have money so that he would be able to give Daisy anything she wanted. There was a green light where Daisy lived that Gatsby would always look out for. The green light is of great significance in this novel.
Knowing this, one can see that no matter how hard Gatsby tries to live his fantasy, gatsby american dream essay, he will never be able to achieve it.
Through close examination of the green light, one may learn that the force that empowers Gatsby to follow his lifelong aspiration is that of the American Dream. Fitzgerald uses the green light as a symbol of hope, money, and jealousy. Gatsby looks up to the American dream and follows it so he can be the picture-perfect man that every girl desires.
Gatsby cares a lot about how people see him, and his appearance towards others. He wants everything to look perfect for Daisy, as he wants Daisy to view him as a perfect man. I suspected he meant my grass. This presents the theme of appearance vs. reality and how Gatsby wants everything to look nice and presentable when he meets up with Daisy for the first time in five years.
Gatsby becomes corrupted because his main goal is to have Daisy. He needs to have an enormous mansion so he could feel confident enough to try and get Daisy.
Gatsby was blinded by the American dream and as a result of this, cause the destruction of Gatsby himself. The American dream is a powerful dream that was significant in the novel The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald. It was evident that this dream only truly caused corruption and destruction.
The desire for something sometimes causes people to be someone they are not and this usually does not result in a positive outcome. Most characters in the novel The Great Gatsby all wanted money, wealth, and happiness and would do anything in their power to get this. The Great Gatsby is a novel that shows what happened to the American Dream in the s, which is a time period when the dreams became corrupted.
Myrtle, gatsby american dream essay, Gatsby, and Daisy have all been corrupted and destroyed by the dream and it was clear to be true.
Money cannot buy you happiness which is something that the three characters in the novel The Great Gatsby truly did not realize.
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The Great Gatsby and the American Dream
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May 02, · Great Gatsby American Dream Essay. Topics: F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby Pages: 3 ( words) Published: May 2, The novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is about the struggle of achieving the American dream, and how much a person is willing to do to reach it. The book’s focus is on the obsession of Gatsby, the protagonist, and his feelings for Great Gatsby: The American Dream “Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter—to-morrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther So we beat on, boats against the current, borne Gatsby American Dream Essay Words | 7 Pages The American dream is defined as “an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative” (Google). There were many conflicts that interfered with trying to reach each individual 's dream
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