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How animals help humans essay

How animals help humans essay

how animals help humans essay

Animals have been protectors, companions, benefactors, co-workers, and even best friends. Humans need animals in their lives to stay healthy mentally and even physically. Animals are used in everyday physical therapy to increase movement in the handicapped or elderly. Animals help with physical fitness which will boost their moods substantially Feb 28,  · Animals like horses, mice are used for the production of essential medicines. Horses are used to produce snake anti-venom, which can rescue the life of humans when there is a snake bite. Similarly, mice are used to create a variety of monoclonal antibody production. In horses, snake poison is injected into blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins May 21,  · Humans and animals can provide eachother "protection and sustenance" (MacIntyre 1). Human and animal interdependence will lead to increased human and animal flourishing. A human can depend on a dog to protect the house from burglars at night, a rooster to wake them up in the morning, or a horse for transportation

Importance of Animals | 13 Uses for Human Life

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Animals play an extremely important part in the lives of humans. Importance of animals ranges from companionship to food source and it varies by person. Pets impact our lives in a positive way, as do work animals or food animals. We may not realize how much impact animals have on our lives. First and foremost, animals provide love to human beings. Human beings keep animals such as dogs, cats, guinea pig and so on as pet, how animals help humans essay.

Pets impact human lives on a face-to-face basis by being our companions. Besides, having a pet is a great way to teach a child caretaking skills and this can eventually inculcate the importance of showing love towards other living things among the children. Next, animals help human beings in many ways.

Pet animals are often used for rehabilitation. Certain dogs or puppies with special certification are allowed to visit the residents in nursing homes or similar living arrangements.

A dog or a cat can often bring the most introverted or grumpy person out of his shell. Furthermore, animal such as dogs are absolutely indispensable for police especially in the Narcotics Department. Canines are always used to detect the location of drugs, bombs and human. They can also be guards to ensure our home in high level of safety. Sometimes, animals are more reliable than man. Guards may cheat their owner for greed and may be indolent in duty, but dogs will never do that.

Dogs can be said as the most loyal things in the universe. In an addition, how animals help humans essay, elephants are widely used in some particular countries to carry load, for example in Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and South Africa. Meanwhile, camels are always useful in desert to carry stuffs and as transports for human beings, how animals help humans essay.

Then, animals like owls are used in agriculture industry for controlling pests and this can eventually increase the population of crops. Horses and oxen help to pull plows for farming. Farmers also raise cattle, lamb and cow simply to make a living, how animals help humans essay.

Other than that, the study of animals is a branch of knowledge, known as zoology. Zoology is the branch of biology that deals with the animal kingdom. This branch of knowledge is vital as study on animals can help human to have a deeper and better understandings on the evolution of life. If animals are extinct, the future generations would not have the opportunity to see the animals lively and they could only study those particular animals virtually through books or researches.

Last but definitely never the least, animals provide humans with food and medicine. Animals widen our variety of food with a lot of nutritious products such as meat, how animals help humans essay, egg and milk.

They are better sources of main protein and fat compare to vegetables. Part of animals had already existed in human history as medicine.

It is still one of the most famous medicines that widely known and how animals help humans essay by people especially the Chinese. It enhances our body immune system and is good for health. As a conclusion, animals are important for human beings. As animals had help humans in many ways, so in return, humans should help them too. Animals do not have the ability to speak, if they were being violated, we should be their voice and ensure harmonious relations among humans and animals.

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Why Animals Are Important For Us? - Science For Kids - Grade 2 - Periwinkle

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Animals are Important |

how animals help humans essay

It enhances our body immune system and is good for health. As a conclusion, animals are important for human beings. Protecting animals’ right is humans’ responsibility. As animals had help humans in many ways, so in return, humans should help them too. Animals do not have the ability to speak, if they were being violated, we should be their voice and ensure harmonious relations among humans and blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins Essay Writing Help from is so special about how animals help humans essay type of content?. You right here help providers, how animals help humans essay will in, hence they lack conveying their ideas due your. Even better, we guarantee as a result of who is competent in. The more substance you create out of%(K) May 21,  · Humans and animals can provide eachother "protection and sustenance" (MacIntyre 1). Human and animal interdependence will lead to increased human and animal flourishing. A human can depend on a dog to protect the house from burglars at night, a rooster to wake them up in the morning, or a horse for transportation

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