credit risk management in Ethiopian banking industry. Statement of the Problem The goal of the credit management is to maximize the performing asset and the minimization of the nonperforming asset as well as ensuring the optimal point of loan and advance and their efficient management. The overall success in credit management depends on the DBA Thesis Author: Shahzad Karim Page 1 of Date: Feb The Influence of Credit Risk Management Strategies on the Performance of Commercial Banks: A Comparative Case Study of UAE and UK Commercial Banks. DBA Thesis Author: Shahzad Karim Page 2 of Date: Feb This thesis investigates credit risk management in Nordic commercial banks and its effect on profitability. Two determinants of credit risk are chosen according to relevant literature, namely loan loss provision ratio and capital adequacy ratio. Thirteen banks in total are then investigated across the 16 year time frame from Cited by: 4
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Risk Management at Banks: Credit Risk
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