An essay on the character Slim from John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men. Written for GCSE. () Studies, courses, subjects, and textbooks for your search Aug 26, · Of Mice and Men – Character study of Slim. August 26, by Essay Writer. Of Mice and Men is set in California during the s. This is an important time in US history because it was the time of the Great Depression, which did not end until the start of the Second World War. During this period of failed businesses, harsh poverty and long-term unemployment, many migrant workers came Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins May 17, · Slim is significant to providing a contrast to the depression and discrimination of the other characters on the ranch. His consistency makes him a tool of comparison and gives him a unique judge-like authority. Slim is important to contextualise other characters on the ranch
Slim In Of Mice And Men By John Steinbeck - Words | Bartleby
Please join StudyMode to read the full document. mean to her. Curley beats up any man who dares to talk to her; the only one he listens to and seems to respect is Slim. Slim is described always in terms of dignity and majesty. When he first comes into the bunkhouse, of mice and men slim essay, he moves "with a majesty achieved only by royalty and master craftsmen.
He was a jerk-line skinner, the prince of the ranch, capable of driving ten, sixteen, even twenty mules with a single line to the leaders. His voice is the voice of rationalism. When Carlson suggests killing Candy's of mice and men slim essay, Candy appeals to Slim as the final authority. Slim is so respected and admired on the ranch that even Curley listens to him. When Lennie smashes Curley's hand, Slim is the one who intercedes and tells Curley he will not have George and Lennie fired, of mice and men slim essay.
Slim understands Curley's fear of ridicule, of mice and men slim essay he uses that fear to help George and Lennie. Slim also inspires confidences because he is not judgmental. When George first meets SlimGeorge tells him about Lennie's troubles in Weed. George senses in Slim a person of intelligence and empathy who will not be mean to Lennie, make fun of him, or take advantage of him.
Slim is the only one on the ranch who appreciates the difficulty of George's position. He understands the constant oversight George must exercise in watching While both the characters make an impact with the way they are presented, Steinbeck portrays them both very differently.
He does this by giving the reader different impressions when each of the characters are introduced, the idiosyncrasies the author has given them, the way they treat others, how the rest of the characters react to the characteristics of Curley and Slim and why they influence particular characters. The reader does not take a liking towards Curley because of his negative attitude. This positive feeling created when Slim is introduced makes the reader take a delight to his character.
Slim is much more serene and tranquil while Curley seems to be frustrated and bothered by the arrival of George and Lennie. Steinbeck also gives Slim a likable personality by giving him respectable reference to the ways Steinbeck presents slimshow how far you would agree that he is a man to be admired.
What do you think of him, give reasons.? From the beginning, of mice and men slim essay, Slim was very nice to George and Lennie. It invited confidence without demanding it". He always had a listening ear. Slim was kind to Lennie and knew why Lennie did some of the strange things he did. When Lennie crushed Curley's hand Slim willingly gave Curley a drink when he was hurt.
Slim was caring and understanding. Steinbeck gives of mice and men slim essay the longest introduction and description this shows Steinbeck took a lot of time to create this great and powerful character that would be liked by the others.
The other characters often look to Slim for advice. For instance, only after Slim agrees that Candy should put his decrepit dog out of its misery does the old man agree to let Carlson shoot of mice and men slim essay. Slim alone In the story Of Mice and Men written by John Steinbeck, loneliness plays a significant role in the novel throughout certain characters.
Some readers may have concluded that Steinbeck made them less important than other characters in the book, since they were left out by most. She uses her power to flirt with other ranch hands to make her husband jealous even though she was in ingenuous person.
She expressed to the readers that even though people can be lonely, we all establish and show that we have our own humanity. We learn that she uses flirting and seduction as a way of gaining attention and spending time with the men.
She uses the excuse of looking for Curley to find some company, but then slips up, admitting she knew where Curley had really went. The men judge her as "a tart," and ample supporting observations are provided. She's rude, selfish and sometimes viciously cruel.
She does not have a kind word for anyone. She mocks the men she deems weaker than herself, belittling them for their dream of having a farm of their own. She even mocks her own husband when he gets badly injured. She's the only person on the premises who calls the stable buck, Crooks, "nigger," and she does it to his face and in front of his peers and threatens him with hanging, reducing him to nothing The first example of love from George to Lennie is when the characters first run over to the pool.
Steinbeck uses a variety of techniques such as similes and animal imagery andalso profanities to determine George and Lennies relationship. The profanities used by Of mice and men slim essay shows how much effort it takes to keep this simple-minded man in line. Their complementary relationship is full of love when we understand that they are very different but perfectly matched, of mice and men slim essay.
Steinbeck uses the technique of colloquial language to show how protective George is of Lennie. The love displayed from George towards Lennie is an instant reaction and defense mechanism for anytime Lennie is in trouble. Near the end of the novella, when Lennie kills Curelys wife, he is only worried about one thing — what will George think.
Since times were rough characters looked for a role model who could give them guidance. On the ranch where all the characters worked and lived was Slimthe most respected one on the ranch. The responsibilities the characters had or did not have will create a better understanding of the overall feel of the book and the respect the characters give to Slim will show his importance to the plot. Of Mice and Men is story of two young menLennie and George, who are quite different in character but manage to travel together working towards one goal.
George is quick witted man who looks after Lennie who is mildly retarded and, George tries to keep Lennie out of trouble as much as he can. Lennie is not a mean person and never intentionally try to hurt anyone but, in the end he ends up hurting a few and getting into trouble. This novel is set while George and Lennie are in a small working ranch in the Salinas Valley of northern California, and over a period of 3 days we are introduced to a variety of characters that also live on the ranch.
The introductory paragraphs of these two characters are interesting because they are highly contrasted. Furthermore, Curley is immediately compared with his father, the boss of the ranch. Sign Up. Sign In. Sign Up Sign In. Home Essays Of Mice and Men - Slim.
Of Mice and Men - Slim Topics: Of Mice and MenTroubleDo the Right Thing Pages: 1 words Published: January 29, Continue Reading Please join StudyMode to read the full document.
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Essay Of Mice and Men
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An essay on the character Slim from John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men. Written for GCSE. () Studies, courses, subjects, and textbooks for your search Aug 26, · Of Mice and Men – Character study of Slim. August 26, by Essay Writer. Of Mice and Men is set in California during the s. This is an important time in US history because it was the time of the Great Depression, which did not end until the start of the Second World War. During this period of failed businesses, harsh poverty and long-term unemployment, many migrant workers came Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins May 17, · Slim is significant to providing a contrast to the depression and discrimination of the other characters on the ranch. His consistency makes him a tool of comparison and gives him a unique judge-like authority. Slim is important to contextualise other characters on the ranch
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