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Aga Khan University Hospital - Labs and Diagnostic Reports
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Copyright © © All Rights Reserved. Available Formats PDF or read online from Scribd, online lab reports. Share this online lab reports Share or Embed Document Sharing Options Share on Facebook, opens a new window Facebook. Did you find this document useful? Is this content inappropriate? Report this Document. Description: worksheet. Copyright: © All Rights Reserved.
Available Formats Download as PDF or read online from Scribd. Flag for inappropriate content. Download now. Save Save Lab Reports For Later. Related titles. Carousel Previous Carousel Next. Jump to Page. Search inside document. Prosecutors said he made up research between and to win millions of dollars in. Last March, Dr. Gary Kammer, a Wake Forest University rheumatology professor and leading lupus expert, was found to have made up two families and their medical conditions in federal grant applications, online lab reports, He resigned from the university and was suspended from receiving federal grants for three years.
InU. federal officiats found that Dr. Ali Suitan, then an award-winning malaria researcher at the Harvard School of Public Health, had plagiarized text and figures, and falsified his online lab reports - substituting results from one type of malaria for Snother - on 2 grant application for federal funds to study malaria drugs. Sultan resigned. He was fired in The results were retracted in -Stephen Breuning, a well-known research psychologist, pleaded guilty in to falsifying research Gata'on drug therapies for mentally disabled children while working for the University of Pittsburah -InDr, John Darsee, a Harvard cardiologist and medical researcher, was found to have faked Gata in an experiment on heart attacks in dogs.
He was later found to have online lab reports up much of his data tn more than papers published over 14 years while he worked at Harvard and Emory University arse was aismissed ana cut off trom federal research funds for 10 years. inDr. William Summerlin resigned from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York after admitting he had forged an experiment on the immune system's reaction to foreign tissue. He used a dark, online lab reports, felt-tipped pen on a white mouse and made it appear that tissue had been grafted successfully from a black mouse.
Lab reports are prepared after an investigation is completed. To ensure that you can accurately describe the investigation, itis important to keep thorough and accurate records of your activities as you carry oit the investigation. Purpose State the purpose of the investigation. Why are you doing this investigation? that you attenipted to answer in the inves- tigation. If itis appropriate to do so, state the question in terms of independent and dependent variables.
From your hypothesis or an accepted concept you may make a prediction, online lab reports, a statement of what you expect to observe, before carrying out the investigation. If your investigation involved independent, dependent, and controlled variables, list them. Identify any conttol or control group that was used in the investigation. Procedure Desciibe,in detailed, numbered steps, the procedure you fol- Towed in carrying out your investigation, Include steps to clean up and dispose of waste.
I you have only afew observations, this could be a lst; for contiolled experiments and for many observations, a table is tiore appropriate, online lab reports.
Analysis Interpret your observations and present the evidence in the form of tables, graphs, or illustrations, each With a tile. Include any calculations the results of which can be shown ina table.
Make statements about any patterns or trends you observed. Evaluation of the Evidence 1. Online lab reports you able to ariswer the question using the chosen experimental design? Are there any obvious flaws in the design? What alternative designs better cor worse are available? As far as you know, online lab reports, is this. design the best available in terms of controls, effi- ciency, and cost?
How great is your confidence in the chosen design? inadequate because Were the steps that you used in the laboratory correctly sequenced, and adequate to online lab reports suficient evidence? Summ up your. Can the measurements be made more precise? You should now be ready to sum up your evaluation of the experiment.
Do you have enough confidence in your expetimental results to proceed with your evaluation of the authority being tested? The major sources of uncertainty or error are Judge the prediction based on the percent difference. How does the percent difference compare with your estimated total uncertainty i, online lab reports. Does the pre- dicted online lab reports clearly agree with the experimental answer in your analysis?
Can the percent difference be accounted for by the sources of uncertainty listed ear- lier in the evahiation? If the results of the experiment were inconclusive or the prediction was falsified, then doubt is cast upon the hypothesis or authority.
Is there'a neéd for anew or revised: hypothesis, or to testrict, revise, or replace the authority being tested? Preparing tables and graphs requifes some knowledge of accepted practice and some skill in designing online lab reports table or graph to best describe phe information. Tables 1. White atte that describes the contents or the relationship among the entries in the table. Table The tet of Concentration on Rect Time Rae Cha 10 rm 05 Graphs 1.
Write a title and label the axes Figure 2. a The ttle should be atthe top of the graph. Assign numbers to the scale on each axis. online lab reports As agéneral rule; the points should be spread out 0 that atleast one-half of the graph paper is sed. B Choose scale thats easy. to read and has equal divisions. Each division or square must iepre- sent a small simple number of units of the vari able; for example, 0.
ied of Conenraon on Reon Time Toe 2. The rows or colurnns with the controlled variables and independent variable usually precedes the ow oF Column online lab reports the dependent variable.
Give all rows and columns a heading, induding unit, symbols in parentheses where necessary, online lab reports. Scales on graphs are labelled in a way similar to the way scales on rulers are labelled. Plot online lab reports points. When all points are drawn and checked, draw an X over each point or circle each point in ink. The size of the circle can be used to indicate the precision of the measurement. b Be suspicious of a point thatis obviously not part of the pattern.
Double check the location of such points, but do not eliminate the point from the raph just because it does not align with the rest. Draw the best fitting curve, Using a sharp pencil, draw a line that best repre~ sents the trend shown by the collection of points, online lab reports.
Do not fotce thé line to go through each poiit. Imprecision of experimental measurements may cause some of the points to be misaligned.
3. Writing Up the Lab Report
, time: 45:33Reports – LifeLabs

Electronic Reports Delivery. LifeLabs has moved to a new patient portal in Ontario called launchpad. This new portal provides advanced report management to view, filter and sort, print and observe trends in your patient records for efficient and informed decision making. launchpad offers secure access to your patient results and can be accessed from any desktop through a range of browsers Online Laboratory Reports Lab reports are prepared after an investigation is completed. To ensure that you can accurately describe the investigation, itis important to keep thorough and accurate records of your activities as you carry oit the investigation. ‘investigators use a:similar format in thee final reports or {ab books, although the heaidings and order may vary
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